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[04.01.2014] Foristality » Antithesis [Enigmo]
People can differentiate between a good amv and a bad amv based on how much effort an individual puts into them.

Considering the fact that you have been editing for so long, you should know better.

Added (after 1 h. 45 min. and 50 sec.):


If editing like this gives you pleasure, then who am I to scrutinize.
[04.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
 nivekov123 @ 04 January 2014, 00:50 

It should have wowed you. Me editing raw? How was that not a shock?

Oh and if anyone wants, they can download the track here: https://soundcloud.com/enigmozz2

*sigh*.... here we go again. How do these people know how much effort I put in? Are you suggesting I put little effort into this because this is a raw-edited action amv? Oooo.... Let me just put it into this perspective: you give the most well-written poem to an average 7 year old kid, and then a 21 year old with a degree in literature - who's going to enjoy and see more in the poem? Yes, that's right. I mean, just prove me wrong - if you outargue me, then clearly I am wrong.
[04.01.2014] Laurelindolien » I will never make you cry [Misaki Sakura]
Что ж оно мелькает-то так? Смотреть некомфортно... :sad:
[04.01.2014] nivekov123 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
I wouldn't say the video wow'd me but it was definitely watchable, I did watch it till the end.
[04.01.2014] InsanitySupporter » Madness [Kami]
Liked the effects, I felt sync wasn't that noticiable at some points, it was visually great.
[04.01.2014] InsanitySupporter » Antithesis [Enigmo]
I'd prefer it with effects, but it's still good
[04.01.2014] Shiver » Resistance to the DEAD [hiroki_999]
Not bad, maybe some parts were too slow for the song but it was enjoyable.
[04.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
To those of you going "random/unrelated scenes": Impr3ssiv - noize, Nostromo - Running Man, Lolliguy - Into The Labyrinth, in those and many more amazing AMVs, where were the "related scenes"? You blind buffoons obviously don't concentrate on the scenes as much as you think you do. You loved noize because of the effects. You love Nostromo's AMVs because of his transitions. You loved Into The Labyrinth because of the effects. But when you get an AMV that relies solely on the flow of the scenes on their own, you nonsensically dislike it. Fact is, back in 2010, when I was dumb, I would have disliked this and in fact did love impr3ssiv's noize. But now, I've become much smarter and I still love the AMVs I mentioned, but I've also managed to see how good this editing is. Oh and it's not just me being vein and liking the style because I do it, just ask me and I'll tell you other editors who wowed me with editing like this.

I mean, I really do hope those of you who are disliking this are actually disliking it because you see me as being a dick, rather than you actually thinking this editing is bad, because if you genuinely feel this editing isn't good..... wow.
[04.01.2014] ASiR » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Поток абсолютно не связанных между собой сцен с различных аниме. На мой взгляд одна из худших работ представленных да данном конкурсе. 1/10.
[04.01.2014] ASiR » Get Off [BerlitzxXx]
Однообразие мелодии и содержания убивает все желание досмотреть до конца. Спец эффекты не спасают. 5/10
[04.01.2014] j7n13q » Light Speed [JxIMx]
легко и со вкусом :smile:
[04.01.2014] j7n13q » Resistance to the DEAD [hiroki_999]
поработали неплохо
только вот автор взял цикличную музыку... в итоге и видиоряд не блистает
[04.01.2014] j7n13q » Cast No Shadow [Domius]
лучше б реально первые 2минуты автор просто б выкинул...
хотя и так и эдак на призовое место не потянет
[04.01.2014] j7n13q » CT 2 : Sun In The Winter [Darkeldion]
жанр: Dance
но никто не танцует, просто мелькание (смена кадров под музыку), много шаблоных кадров...
[04.01.2014] j7n13q » Pandora [Centurione]
оригинальненько :smile:
1.EvilSpider - Revenge98.6
2.EvilSpider - Silence (director's cut)84.2
3.Shepherd - Outside of Consciousnesses81.1
4.79D37'fallout' - Unsynchronous Delirium79.9
5.Tayo - Part of You79.7
6.NightPunisher - Cruel Destiny79.6
7.Wrecker - The Most Precious79.1
8.Alexboy - Soul Shadow78.1
9.Pokich - Won't Save77.8
10.Pokich - Svarta Skogen76.7
11.ukms[z] - Холод76.4
12.Leech - The Movie75.9
13.dD.S1nT3z - Reload74.8
14.Darius GQ - Charmed74.4
15.Fynjy - Waking Up Besides You, Ms. Doomsday74.3
16.Shepherd - The Battle: Before and After73.8
17.MetL storm - Samurai soul73.8
18.Alexboy - Hope73.5
19.Delcatty - Черный баннер73.3
20.TVB - The Fall73.2
21.Delcatty - Поздно!73.1
22.Gaurry - Alone73.0
23.moviegear - Fight for Life72.7
24.Delcatty - Будни советских разведчиков72.7
25.Herz - Caught in the Undertow72.7
[ весь рейтинг ]
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