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[01.02.2017] Mr.Memory » Invisible Embrace [DarkCat]
[01.02.2017] Mr.Memory » Another story of Another [Mr.Memory]
Once again, thanks to all the comments and voting for this AMV! Without your support and appreciation this video will not enter the finalist of AKROSS 2016. I will treasure all the suggestions of this video. Thank you! :wink:
[01.02.2017] Zebiru » Numinous [MrNosec]
Good job m8. Looking forward for more of ur videos.
[01.02.2017] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
 FuryAMV @ 01 Febuary 2017, 13:41 

Really appreciate it man! I'm truly flattered, all my thanks.
[01.02.2017] MrNosec » clozufilu [leolide]
Congratz on winning the "Viewers' Choice", "Best Comedy" and "Best Original Concept" prizes leo, duly earned :cool:
[01.02.2017] FuryAMV » Numinous [MrNosec]
Let me be one of the first telling u GZ for 1st place !
[01.02.2017] tan_elorn » Red Queen [JustRukia]
Трекчик, как сорняк, засел в голове и от него никак не избавиться.
Все остальное - классно.
[01.02.2017] tan_elorn » Numinous [MrNosec]
Экшен здесь есть, психоделики не увидел.
Как по мне - очередное качественное, но говно, которого уже было тонны на Еву и всякие степчики.
[01.02.2017] 4x4ezequi » Eternally [xDieguitoAMV]
muy buena dieguito :wow:
[31.01.2017] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
 EZtoon @ 31 January 2017, 18:49 

Ohh I see what you meant now.
Well when it comes to music I can't really argue, it all comes down to personal preference and what you think it's best for said video, I think it expresses the concept pretty well and allows for some neat sync, but of course I respect your opinion just as much, thank you for explaining ; )
[31.01.2017] EZtoon » Numinous [MrNosec]
This music is not very suitable for this video (Thanks for translate Google:D)
[31.01.2017] EVOsvik » Over Time [Reyzen]
Типа он дофина волновался, а с ней все нормально?
[31.01.2017] EVOsvik » Amnesia [kuruta]
Сюжет есть...радует...
[31.01.2017] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
Thanks yo!

I'm flattered, thanks alot really appreciate it.

"dubstep remix little Smazal painting .." That's what I got after translating, can't really tell what you meant there but thanks.
[31.01.2017] S.A. Robert » Fjarlægur [cecco]
Неплохая атмосфера, но клип довольно скучноват, не втянулся.
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2008 30.11.2008  
Styles of Beyond - Nine Thou [superstars re…
Action, Character Profile
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2004 23.11.2004  
Wolf's Rain
Rammstein - Ohne dich
Drama, Story
Kevin Caldwell
Battle Athletes Victory
Franka Potente - Believe
Drama, Serious