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[27.01.2018] Axiles » Птички [MikuriAki]
[27.01.2018] Kroner » Moonlight [Nekroz]
Nice! I liked how you focused of the story of those 2. First part was really enjoyable, it's really cool how you matched the song feelings with clips and CC, but tbh I didn't liked the drop and the final part. This is a problem with this kind of songs imho, we have a slow and melodic begin but when it comes to the drop everything change and following it with images and feelings is really hard. I felt like the drop was a bit too random and it lost all the beautiful atmoshpere created before. That's my personal taste ofc, editing was still good overall and video remains good, GG
[27.01.2018] Tayo » Didi [Artofeel]
аввв... как же классно :love:
[27.01.2018] Fynjy » Quintessence [Hilary Cullen]
Крутой концепт, м/в отлично сливается, на выходе создавая необычную, очень интересную атмосферу. Единственное angel's egg, выбивается из общего стиля.
Очень понравилось.
[27.01.2018] Fynjy » Delusion [buggy]
Клево, наполнение прочувствовал, понравилось.
[27.01.2018] EnIgMoZz2 » Delusion [buggy]
When watching a video like this where the style is very hard cuts between practically still shots, my scrutiny towards flow gets a lot higher and some of your cuts just didn't flow at all. Also, the fractal noise part, could have been nice but you executed it with amateur level position animation so I can't really appreciate it.

Good attempt at being creative and intelligent, though.

Also I like the eyes appearing in intervals. Though I'm not interested enough in the story to infer if your positioning of those cuts was sensible. I'm sure it was
[27.01.2018] maple leaf » A Moment Apart [Nards]
winner :smile:
[27.01.2018] kms myself » A Moment Apart [Nards]
You hear those splashes at the beginning? It was just me getting wet from this video.
[27.01.2018] Nekroz » A Moment Apart [Nards]
AMV different, but contains a lot your essence!
A little confusing but understandable! GJ Nards :smile:
[27.01.2018] iMCoach » A Moment Apart [Nards]
Very well articulated, I was unaware you were an english speaker and so well versed in your use of vernacular to properly convey exactly both what you saw and what you took away from it. I fully agree so I can't call it enlightening as much as a say it was a clear detailed insight of perspective. Hope to see something new from you soon :smile:
[27.01.2018] Nards » A Moment Apart [Nards]
 Hikikom0ri @ 27 January 2018, 06:15 

Ah, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it :biggrin:

Added (after 43 sec.):

 EnIgMoZz2 @ 27 January 2018, 03:55 

yeah why she got a 5head
[27.01.2018] Hikikom0ri » A Moment Apart [Nards]
There is something transcendent in this work. I mean, I'm not talking of the technique, that could be easily praised, I am talking about abstractism - or as you wanted to express it: symbolism. For many, and such fact is of such unhappiness, certain works must be brutally facilitated narratively to make sense, to please the intellect of an idle mass. Something about needing to be easy or you’ll die of diarrhea, you know? I am sure that I will see many comments questioning the real meaning of the AMV, accusing a lack of depth simply because "scattered symbols are but a superfluous way of valuing a non-existent concept." Bullshit. I do not agree with that. This way of thinking always seems paradoxical: to diminish the importance of something by being too different is clearly an ineffective attempt to justify one's own inability to understand. The oneiric tone and poetic bias only reinforces that each will get what he wants to understand. After all, does not human nature seek a motivation for every act, whether conscious or not, that it reproduces in life?

It's always a cliché, but really good works always tend to come up now. And considering a brilliant implementation technique, plus the courage to challenge the common logic, is one of my favorites in this contest.
[27.01.2018] hnscby6 » A Moment Apart [Nards]
[27.01.2018] Yemoemoe » A Moment Apart [Nards]
very live~
[27.01.2018] leolide » A Moment Apart [Nards]
what a disappointment for a vhs
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
Sayan Visual Studio
 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2007 17.12.2007  
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Celldweller - Last Firstborn
Character Profile, Thriller
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2010 05.12.2010  
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Reversed Studios
Soul Eater
The Birthday Massacre - Broken