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[10.11.2013] crooktj » Pardon Me [Enlux]
didn't enjoy this 1, good luck though
[10.11.2013] Mulraf » Pardon Me [Enlux]
i think it has a pretty interesting feel to it. it's also really different from the other hyouka amvs out there and i like that. i have to agree with akira tho, the syncing could be better but i still liked it. especially the 2nd part was nice imho. 7.5/10
[10.11.2013] Asagoru » The Boy Who Murdered Love [ONEWAYS]
Awesome good luck for the contest :)
[10.11.2013] EVOsvik » Aevum [AimoAio]
[10.11.2013] EVOsvik » Human Trancition [ACRLover]
ну да среднячек
[10.11.2013] John_AMV » The Boy Who Murdered Love [ONEWAYS]
It is very fantastic!
I hope more Towiko MAD Team members participates in this contest :)
[10.11.2013] theredflash66 » Pardon Me [Enlux]
not too bad
[09.11.2013] _SONY_ » Pardon Me [Enlux]
смотреть было интересно.. , да и думаю без исходника понятно в чём стори...
[09.11.2013] Cane » Pardon Me [Enlux]
Сюжет в клипе хоть и прослеживается, но довольно невнятно. Технически клип слабенький, попадаются удачные моменты, которые автор к сожалению не смог до конца реализовать. Песенка вполне приятная, но этого для хорошего клипа мало. 4.5/10
[09.11.2013] Anicsi » Pardon Me [Enlux]
Ahhh, this morning when I woke up and thought of a new akross video, I fervently hoped it would be yours ;) I was rewarded! I love the changes you made, I thought they added to the video! Well you know what I think about the lack of concept in the video, but I understand your choice of releasing it the way you did! I love the editing, and my point still stands that with some (okay, you would have needed a lot) more time and manipulating, it could have been outstanding! I probably wouldn't have had the patience to do so either, though :p I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll release next ^^ Thanks for the 'thanks' by the way, you're always welcome <3
[09.11.2013] akira02sum » Pardon Me [Enlux]
I know that you tried to sync the scenes with the music. And it's a good try. But the music consists of the main three parts that are verse, bridge, and chorus. Basically you must change the tone of the scenes by part. But you didn't do it. So your video is monotonous.
[09.11.2013] Armed » Pardon Me [Enlux]
Толи м/в не подходит, то ли слишком плохой подбор сцен. В середине еще нормально.
Tolley m/v is not appropriate, or too poor selection of scenes. In the middle is still normal. 4.5/10
[09.11.2013] AnimeFanaticBoy » Intoxicated, Iron Team [MEP] [bossmorad]
Ya tu sabe como va :biggrin:
[09.11.2013] Алхимик_67 » Pardon Me [Enlux]
Вроде что то есть, А вроде и нефига нет((( клип разочаровал 4 можно думаю поставить !
[09.11.2013] bossmorad » Intoxicated, Iron Team [MEP] [bossmorad]
tu sabe's
1.Umika - Traumerei96.1
2.Bea$t - Beast Within93.8
3.SilentMan - Drawn Dream93.7
4.Crossfade - The Stage92.2
5.Gidra - No Action88.5
6.Tayo - Part of You, Splinters of Us87.5
7.Aggressor - Act of Genesis86.3
8.impr3ssiv - noize85.7
9.zzerg - Год АМВ85.5
10.Maniaki - Paranoia Drift85.4
11.Uk@R - Pop.ssa84.8
12.Aggressor - Cross†Point83.4
13.Archivist - 150% Lobotomy83.2
14.Nostromo - Binary Overdrive83.2
15.Deidara94 - COLOLOR83.1
16.Padre - My Bitches82.9
17.Kaito - Feelings on the finger-tips82.4
18.VIDOK - Gimme More82.4
19.KaWaii - 32 hours81.1
20.Chono - Few Dark80.7
21.Nicotine - Help!80.6
22.Archivist - Greenpeace80.2
23.Noks - Shooters79.9
24.Gaurry - Do the M@D 2010 trailer79.7
25.Aggressor - W.itch for the night78.9
[ весь рейтинг ]
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