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[23.12.2013] ЮККА » Чувство памяти [NetTroop]
[23.12.2013] ЮККА » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Сюжет понравился, неплохая идея, но реализовать можно было гораздо лучше. Накину пару баллов за сюжет и пару баллов за музыку, бал за одно из моих любимых аниме, уже оценка неплохая выходит. Немного больше стараний и в следующем году уверена автор сможет сделать отличный ролик.
[23.12.2013] ЮККА » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
По моему ролик сделан очень здорово, было интересно смотреть до самого конца. Но момент на 4:42 просто убил, это единственное что не понравилось.
[23.12.2013] zzakker » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
2/10 только кота гиасса посрамил
[23.12.2013] akira02sum » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
Fantastic! This video maximally expresses the goodness of the music. Exactly Music Video.
[23.12.2013] nivekov123 » [Zuuki']
on a second watch, nice psych feel
[23.12.2013] andrewbee » Downfall: Absolution [diegao94]
 PrincessKairy @ 22 December 2013, 23:15 

I will spell it out for you. This argument is not about kristo's numerical score. It is about you making a statement that is no different to how kristo based his decision making. To write:

 PrincessKairy @ 17 December 2013, 21:55 
As you already know, I don't like it, I find that the action is too much slow in a lot of points of the song. However, I'll give you a 10/10 just to rebalance the average...

This means your actual score (which wouldn't have been known if I didn't point out your comments) could have been low but for kristo's actions you are willing to make your score a 10.
You both disliked the video for different reasons and appointed yourselves supreme judges to fix your issues in regards to the video by giving extreme numbers and you think it has no effect on the overall contest.

If you went crying wolf again to have the moderators look into this, that would have been better.

Next time someone calls you out on your contradictory comments, don't start by calling the person a bitch. They just might put you in your place.

Also, Don't make up stories or twist the truth in other to portray yourself as the righteous person. It just makes you look really ugly. Lastly, if your intention was to take this private, you wouldn't have written in the context below.
[23.12.2013] InsanitySupporter » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Awesome effects, good technique and nice concept, but dunno why it didn't catch me
[23.12.2013] jugan » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
Wirklich gute Arbeit, Hut ab. Die Effekte am Anfang und Ende harmonieren wirklich gut mit der Musik. In der Mitte hättest du dir einige Effekte sparen können, da sie leider nicht mehr so gut zur Musik passen und eher wie Bildfehler wirken.

Very good, I'm sure you'll make it trough the finals ;)

p.s. Thanks, your video quality blew my mind, there should be more like yours :(
[23.12.2013] j7n13q » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
просто нарезали кадры в каком-то сюжетном подобии и налепили сверху музыку...
и нафига такое на акрос отправлять?
[23.12.2013] j7n13q » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
музыка конечно прикольная...
только вот сама работа очень слабенькая. просто нарезали сюжетную линию не особо заботясь привязкой к музыке
п.с. да и сюжетная линия какая-то не о чем...
[23.12.2013] PrincessKairy » Downfall: Absolution [diegao94]
 andrewbee @ 22 December 2013, 03:48 

First of all, English is not my native language, so I'm not supposed to know it perfectly.
Kristoo didn't give his opinion, he was just mad because your video was eliminated: this isn't an opinion to diegao's video in any way possible. Therefore, I don't agree with Kristoo's vote and even if I wasn't as kind as Anicsi, this doesn't mean that I'm malpracticing or unfair. Of course "not everyone will be in agreement to the numbers people post", but this has nothing to do with this particular case. (by the way, talking about scores: I would have given him 7/8 out of ten, but I didn't want to write everything I thought about the video because I had already told it to him in private.)
That said, you spoke without understanding the situation, unlike I did.
You didn't even understand the rules of this contest, or you were cheating by sending the video knowing that you were violating the rules. So, if you're angry because I highlighted the fact that your video was not exclusive, you can only bash you for your stupidty and/or negligence.
Now, if you want to reply again, please do it in private, because this isn't the right place to continue this stupid discussion.
[23.12.2013] Axiles » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
8.2/10 хороший сюжет
[23.12.2013] Dioker » White Symphony [Dimonolog]
ну бро, зима и все дела.. мило бесспорно. но местами кажется просто рандом кадров. смена кадров то через чур быстро, то через чур долго. вообщем работать и работать. без оценки.
[23.12.2013] Dioker » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Не втянулся в клип. и по этому очень затянуто. Песня порадовала, не тупая нарезка, сюжет прослеживается. но не атмсоферно. кароче 7. можно было и по лучше сделать. А так, очень даже нечего)
1. Linkin Park80
2. Skillet55
3. Celldweller42
4. Blue Stahli39
5. Thousand Foot Krutch38
6. Within Temptation34
7. Red33
8. Rammstein32
9. Evanescence29
10. Nightwish28
11. hollywood undead26
12. 30 Seconds to Mars25
13. Breaking Benjamin25
14. Two Steps From Hell24
15. Unreal24
16. Papa Roach24
17. Nickelback23
18. System of a Down22
19. Disturbed22
20. Audiomachine21
21. Imagine Dragons20
22. 65daysofstatic19
23. Marilyn Manson19
24. Pendulum18
25. Apocalyptica17
AMV France
Amazing Nuts!, Lucky Star, Magical Shopp…
MEP, Dance
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2010 29.10.2010  
Nodame Cantabile, Aoi Bungaku Series
Two Steps from Hell - Clock Tower Parade
Drama, Story
Ежи и Петруччо - Собак