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[24.12.2013] j7n13q » ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam [ZackStrifeAMV]
вы б еще спокойной ночи малыши музыку поставили
[24.12.2013] kyssifur » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
I always drink Jägermeister and eat videos like this for breakfast. 5.2
[24.12.2013] Axiles » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
9/10 nice job!
[24.12.2013] Axiles » Beer is the future [Roachlord14]
7.5/10 :biggrin:
[24.12.2013] micho91 » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
:lol: I think I'm in love..
[24.12.2013] xDreww » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
very nice indeed. 9.2 overall. Original and very classy. ^^
[23.12.2013] EllipseIris » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
Literally masterpiece. I don't know what I thought when I registered this contest. I don't know how you do it, but I don't really care, just do it! Winner! <3
[23.12.2013] theredflash66 » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Oh so it's about Lacus, it's a first time I've seen that. Nice job
[23.12.2013] Cour » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
So classy! It is a splendid and original work, really loved it, all those scenes so typical of the times back, excellent.
[23.12.2013] theredflash66 » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
Wow bringing the classics, making me love it!

Great idea on selecting a professional and a nonprofessional music artist, just brings me great joy seeing this

[23.12.2013] Animated » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
apart from some bad masks, scenes with weird motion, and the heavy old film effect, this vid was more than good :3 i'd give it an 8/10. cool thing promoting the artist too!
[23.12.2013] jugan » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
wow that was great dude, you did a great job ;D
I only have to mention one thing, that flicker effect at the beginning were too long and really annoying :<
GL dude 9/10
[23.12.2013] Iren S.S. » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!!! My favourite work this year :D I'm also a jazz fan, so I'm gonna check out this composer too. Thanks for the great vid! Good luck! ^^
[23.12.2013] nivekov123 » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
vary op guy vary op, gorz told me about this before watching this, he was right
[23.12.2013] Kristoo » I'M SO CLASSY [STICKYGAIDEN]
Местами амв упорото 8/10
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Dance58
10. Psychedelic58
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
AMV France
Amazing Nuts!, Lucky Star, Magical Shopp…
MEP, Dance
Black Lagoon
Pain - Bye/Die
Hurt - Rapture