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[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Sorrowful Life [Acton70]
First, I applaud you for using this anime! ;) I liked the overall editing, it was simple but very addicting at the same time. But I do wish there had been a stronger plot to really make this video pop. So 6/10 from me, good luck in the contest! :)
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Spill a Will [9eek]
Nice flow in this! :D turning up the volume helped too :P 6/10 good luck!! ^^
[28.12.2013] Cane » The revenge: Kira and Lelouch [Towiko/HARU]
Для драмы уж слишком много Экшена, во второй половине клипа сюжет прослеживается очень слабо, маловато эффектов, синхронизация местами вообще пропадает, а местами натянута за уши...5.8/10
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Sket Brothers [2ndState]
LOOOOOL this is so funny xDD I found myself laughing quite a few times! 7/10 good luck! :DD
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Reincarnation [S.H.O Studio]
This was a really interesting idea! Very original, and somehow you made all of the background animations really stand out in this video. Awesome job! :DD 7/10 good luck! ~
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Circus [Angel_Sora]
Ohhh those zooms and that masking! Really awesome job! 7/10 good luck!! :)
[28.12.2013] Cane » [Zuuki']
Не увидел сюжет, характер персонажа так же показан очень слабо. Синхронизация и эффекты так же на весьма средненьком уровне. 5.8/10
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Not just a Dream [MagicDarkLight]
Wooo Hakim! This was so awesome *O* I've never read this manga or seen the anime, but it seems really cool- definitely watching the show now xD Also it's nice to see you use so many effects like this style o: hope you place welllll! 9/10 from mee :3
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » tan(x) [lolligerjoj]
Really strange atmosphere, but gosh it's really cool! Love how you manipulated the movements like that, and love all of the different styles you went for! Very psychedelic ;) 8/10
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Faceless [RiceAMV]
I'm still shocked you were able to edit such a crazy song XD such talent yo. I crai insideee. much tears. I've said it 3480298 times but I'll say it again~ loveeee this video and you better place super well! 10/10
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » True [MentalTsui]
Such a gorgeous video Khaled, nice job!! :D
9/10 amazing work *O*
[28.12.2013] xGeminii » Bad Dream [cecco]
Ohhhh this atmosphere is so eerie! I love it :D and the drawing effects are very pretty ~ also the song choices...ahhh so nice! 8/10 for me (:
[28.12.2013] nivekov123 » True [MentalTsui]
what a banner, who made it ur mom?
[28.12.2013] nivekov123 » Faceless [RiceAMV]
 MagicDarkLight @ 28 December 2013, 14:47 

thx hakim optical :DD

[28.12.2013] thegoty2315 » Angel Beat Down [Saitek Anime Productions]
1. Naruto109
2. Bleach107
3. One Piece69
4. Death Note47
5. 5 Centimeters per Second43
6. Naruto Shippuuden33
7. Elfen Lied32
8. Soul Eater27
9. Darker than Black25
10. Fairy Tail25
11. Sword Art Online23
12. Claymore23
13. Guilty Crown22
14. FLCL22
15. Hellsing Ultimate22
16. Ergo Proxy21
17. Steins;Gate21
18. Wolf's Rain21
19. Kyoukai no Kanata21
20. Kara no Kyoukai21
21. Code Geass20
22. Naruto Shippuden20
23. Shingeki no Kyojin20
24. Neon Genesis Evangelion18
25. Clannad18
Shikabane Hime Aka, Tales of the Abyss
Blue Stahli - The Pure and The Tainted
Action, Character Profile, Instrumental
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2013 29.12.2013  
Blue Foundation - Bonfires
Drama, Romance
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2013 23.12.2013  
Jesse Valentine (F-777) - I'm So Classy
Dance, Fun