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[03.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
Hold up, hold up.... stick around, this is just getting good. A "link" isn't a good transition. Clearly you lack knowledge, and the experience for that matter, when it comes to editing almost 100% raw and doing it well. Actually show me an AMV of this style where the editor cares about doing cheesy transitions - you won't find any good video of this style that does.

Secondly, where the hell do I say I compile rival scenes? (Seriously, people, if you're reading this and thinking I'm just a sore loser who can't accept criticism, it's the people I'm arguing against who can't even criticise - like seriously, can't even read the description.) I say i compile scenes that as a whole will represent the themes of the music and one of those themes was "sentiment/emotion" and you're telling me that scene of Piccolo, a demonic monster, sacrificing himself for Gohan wasn't an emotional one? You heartless cow. And honestly, haven't you ever studied literature at school? Infer some. That Ed scene, his face is full of despair and that can fit into both serious action and emotion. The Sasuke random ninja scene, well done, that was one of the inconsistencies that I didn't fix but it still fits into the action nonetheless.

The only part where I mention "rivals" is in regards to the AMV's title, because the most frequently used scenes in here were those of two enemies fighting, and people tend to think enemies are opposites.

'Your one doesn't make sense' is not an opinion. 'I can't understand it' is self-expression and more of an opinion, if you're going to criticise, at least know the basic concepts of "criticising". The only part of your comments that I recognise as your taste and opinion is "I didn't like it", which I don't know if you realised, but I said "fair enough". I'm only arguing against your false comments, not your opinions.
[03.01.2014] Cyberphobia » Antithesis [Enigmo]
You're my hero.
[03.01.2014] nivekov123 » Madness [Kami]
i really liked this, great job!
you really know how to create and atmosphere so proud of you my niggie
but i do agree with Loliger, i think its more of a dance or fun than a sentimental or psychedelic.
on another note, really good technicals as well!
[03.01.2014] Luciole » Madness [Kami]
[03.01.2014] nivekov123 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
I just watched Hajjime no Ippo Episode 1.
[03.01.2014] D4RK » Antithesis [Enigmo]
I like this, I can understand what you wanted to show, i ll say 7/10
[03.01.2014] Rikudo » Madness [Kami]
pretty nice
[03.01.2014] ViKAMV » Antithesis [Enigmo]

Of course, if you do something random at least try to make a good transition work, and I have not seen a good flow throughout the video. Think whatever you want, but a thousand changes of atmosphere, no sense in transition and scene selection (you say in the description that you have "compiled" rivals scenes(Piccolo saving Gohan, Sasuke by hitting a random ninja, Eric Edward opening scene without sense, etc, c'mon).

My tastes are just as respectable as yours, and I like raw editing, but your one doesn't make sense, just my opinion. By the way, you are saying what you don't like about each video, right? I don't get why I can't do the same. Good luck in the contest.
[03.01.2014] lolligerjoj » Madness [Kami]
I really like it. But as a Dance video, not a psychedelic or sentimental one.
Great sync, you were able to read the sound really well. Visuals are good.
[03.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » Antithesis [Enigmo]
 ViKAMV @ 03 January 2014, 13:55 
good job on the links, and even that was missed.

lol what? you say "missed" as if I was meant to "catch them". You do realise that making "links" really is not that sophisticated of a technique right? The fact that I keep a consistent sense of flow whilst using diverse scenes is much more impressive and desirable. And you don't like this? Fair enough, I know your tastes.
[03.01.2014] nihilant01 » Madness [Kami]
Ich spürte, als ob es einen unterbrochen Beischlaf wäre.
[03.01.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Madness [Kami]
круто, молодец)) хорошая работа =)
[03.01.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Antithesis [Enigmo]
[03.01.2014] ViKAMV » Antithesis [Enigmo]
The least that I ask to this kind of videos is a good job on the links, and even that was missed.

I didn't like. 4/10
[03.01.2014] theredflash66 » Get Off [BerlitzxXx]
very interesting video
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Dance58
10. Psychedelic58
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2008 30.11.2008  
Styles of Beyond - Nine Thou [superstars re…
Action, Character Profile
Reversed Studios
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The Birthday Massacre - Broken
Alex Daikou
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2006 16.12.2006  
Foggy - Come Into My Dream
Dance, Fun