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[11.01.2014] Cyberphobia » Cover & Dunks [DSK]
Não gostei de alguns efeitos de texto. Também não há uma "suavidade" na transições das cenas nas maioria dos casos, o que deixa o flow meio ruim do vídeo. Também achei um pouco longo demais, já havia me cansado do vídeo na metade.
Pontos pela boa escolha da música e da qualidade da imagem :D
Boa sorte!
[11.01.2014] OkilL » Quiet [Okami]
Nice one, I liked it !
[11.01.2014] DEDninja » What Makes Us Girls [TheSunLight9]
Впечатляет. Особенно моя благодарность за выдержанные кадры под трек.
Хорошо смотрится
[11.01.2014] DEDninja » Galaxy Rendezvous [XIII]
Мои 6,5/10
[11.01.2014] EnIgMoZz2 » What I Fight For [JSK]
 StrawberryKiss @ 11 January 2014, 03:27 

 nivekov123 @ 10 January 2014, 22:24 

But this person is from Re-Action studios
[11.01.2014] TerraGust » TRNGLE [Rebelion]
Nice!! :biggrin:
[11.01.2014] TerraGust » Act of Genesis [Aggressor]
Never fail to leave me melancholic yet sweetly fond of it...gave me goosebumps the first time... really
[11.01.2014] TerraGust » Clarissa [Костоправ]
Noisy but addictive... like it! :tongue:
[11.01.2014] TheShadowMV » Airwave [DigiCat]
Прикольненько, 9.
[11.01.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Arcade [ImGoing]
*О* хорошее начало, продолжай и развивайся!!!
[11.01.2014] Anicsi » We are Exceptional [Zakuro]
There were a lot of parts that were nice and others that could've been better ^^ I liked the basic setup of this, it's really cheerful! I think one thing you can improve are the camera movements/shakes. I felt they were off somehow.
Good job overall :)
[11.01.2014] Cane » What I Fight For [JSK]
Я уж испугался, что в этом году не будет адекватных клипов по манге. Получилось отлично. Очень милое и атмосферное AMV. Технически тоже всё понравилось. Конечно до уровня BEAST WITHIN тут пахать и пахать, но свои 7.8/10 от себя поставлю =)
[11.01.2014] Anicsi » What I Fight For [JSK]
MMVs are hard and need a lot of practice and creativity to make them something
'special'. I have a couple of friends who are seriously amazing mmv editors, so I will have to rate your video based on that. I don't think it is bad at all, and I can see talent in terms of flow (at parts) and ideas. But it's still mediocre. Next time, try to focus more on diversity, in your video there are many repetitive scenes and movements. Also, if you decide to have narrating text, I wouldn't add any lyrics of the song, it's confusing and a bit too much. Well, this is only my personal opinion. Keep it up ^^
[11.01.2014] Spiritus_Tenebrosus » What I Fight For [JSK]
[11.01.2014] Spiritus_Tenebrosus » AKROSSCONCLIP [bnegat]
в целом работа отличная 6/10
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil449
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate410
3.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled313
4.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON294
5.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me281
6.Umika - Traumerei265
7.Nostromo - Running Man256
8.Aggressor - Act of Genesis247
9.S studio - D-ON!241
10.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival235
11.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God231
12.Crossfade - The Stage230
13.Aggressor - De:Light230
14.SilentMan - Drawn Dream218
15.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast209
16.Gidra - fu logic!207
17.impr3ssiv - noize203
18.EvilSpider - Revenge199
19.Aggressor - Code: Ecchi196
20.goЯz - Fracture195
21.VIDOK - Sexy191
22.Umika - Sincerity182
23.zzerg - Год АМВ182
24.Q&A - ChillOut177
25.zzerg - МаLLинки174
Shikabane Hime Aka, Tales of the Abyss
Blue Stahli - The Pure and The Tainted
Action, Character Profile, Instrumental
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2008 05.12.2008  
Death Note
Агата Кристи - Чёрная луна
Drama, Action, Fun
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2008 15.12.2008  
65daysofstatic - The Conspiracy of Seeds