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[26.11.2014] sucubus » пёс дыня [Deviant]
 Insofistikerad @ 26 November 2014, 17:07 
they audience doesnt dance to the music, the band doesnt play to the music

you're don't understand this music
[26.11.2014] FunnyMan » Unbound [Ryuu-Dono]
Неплохо, но драму нет. Не чувствуется.
[26.11.2014] FunnyMan » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Слабовато. Аж в глазах рябит.
[26.11.2014] Reaver » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Я, вообще-то, люблю клипы с быстрой сменой сцен, но предупреждать же эпилептиков надо - некоторых может и поколбасить под клип.
Второе это звук, непонятно откуда местами хрипы, исходник что ли такой?
[26.11.2014] Эль-тян » Unbound [Ryuu-Dono]
Всё пытаются из этих астронавтов слезливую драму выдавить, но с такой кульминацией ничего у вас не получится, после клипа таю опустите руки пазязя и идите в построковые леса за дровами
[26.11.2014] Эль-тян » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Первый клип по наруто который понравился в уходящем 2014 ом
[26.11.2014] Megamen » пёс дыня [Deviant]
Под Flying Steps - We Are Electric КОТЫ ТЕРЯЮТ КОНТРОЛЬ !
[26.11.2014] Axiles » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
2/10 :sad: :spy:
[26.11.2014] InsanitySupporter » This is how i do AMV Mix [Juancarlosdm95]
Me alegra que te hayas animado a participar este año.
El año pasado fue mi primer concurso internacional, y puedo entender como te sientes aprovecha esta experiencia para aprender y mejorar tus habilidades, porque tienes potencial.
En cuanto a tu video, se nota que te divertiste.
Lamentablemente, hay mucho por mejorar, tienes problemas con los fotogramas fantasma y con la calidad de tus fuentes, trata de conseguir raws en la mejor definición posible. Siento que te faltaron algunos efectos y transiciones aún para ser un trabajo raw.
Personalmente, no me gustó la elección de canción/anime, además de que son series muy usadas (no es buena idea, al menos no en Akross), no creo que queden con Katy Perry. Tendrías que haber cambiado de animes o de canción.
Mejora un poco el uso de fuentes y colores en los créditos, creo que no son estéticos. Un concepto más conciso te podría ayudar a mejorar la impresión que causas, incluso para un dance/action random debes alcanzar cierta homogeneidad aunque sea en el coloring.
Creo haber visto trabajos tuyos en ZA, al rato checaré lo que tienes. En verdad, siento que tienes potencial, con el tiempo vas a mejorar, yo lo se.
[26.11.2014] FobosAMV » Unbound [Ryuu-Dono]
Wow, really good, finally amv with new kara no kyoukai movie ( I know it's a mix, but the basis was taken movie knk) Take my 8, good luck in the contest !
[26.11.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Unbound [Ryuu-Dono]
концовка понравилась)
[26.11.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
слишком много движения, но мне нравиться)
[26.11.2014] Legato2400 » Blue Steel Fleet [Elixir]
I liked this a lot need to see the anime for me. ^^
[26.11.2014] Legato2400 » пёс дыня [Deviant]
I really like the charm in this, made it wired but comical for me :lol:
[26.11.2014] Elixir » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Well, I apologize if I sound harsh for this comment:
-Unfortunately, this video was just as I expected the moment I saw the video source. A bunch of random scenes of whatever episodes you download just put together on the timeline, using a song that has been burnt out by millions of YouTube standard AMVs for years now (but don't worry, least you didn't use Linkin Park) with no flow, not focusing on the music, completely unfitting, and called it a day.
-All of that flashing and layered video tracks constantly coming in and out for the ENTIRE video is a MASSIVE turn off. Never do that. It's straining on the eyes especially for certain people.
-Action videos shouldn't be this long. Putting the length of such video over the timeframe of 3:00 or 3:30 pretty much means its probably going to really drag out. Sorry, but it came to the point I wanted to stop watching this really early into the video.
-Next time, for your next video, whatever song you use, please find the highest quality bitrate of it so it sounds much better than this. It sounds like you downloaded this off of mp3skull or YouTube at 30kbps.
Good luck with your future works.
1. Naruto109
2. Bleach107
3. One Piece69
4. Death Note47
5. 5 Centimeters per Second43
6. Naruto Shippuuden33
7. Elfen Lied32
8. Soul Eater27
9. Darker than Black25
10. Fairy Tail25
11. Sword Art Online23
12. Claymore23
13. Guilty Crown22
14. FLCL22
15. Hellsing Ultimate22
16. Ergo Proxy21
17. Steins;Gate21
18. Wolf's Rain21
19. Kyoukai no Kanata21
20. Kara no Kyoukai21
21. Code Geass20
22. Naruto Shippuden20
23. Shingeki no Kyojin20
24. Neon Genesis Evangelion18
25. Clannad18
ef - a Tale of Memories
BT - Simply Being Loved (somnambulist)
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2010 05.12.2010  
Genius Party Beyond: Dimension Bomb, Passion…
Sugar Jesus - Get a Hold of Yourself
 ФИНАЛИСТ AKROSS CON 2008 08.12.2008  
Code Geass
Doom 2 OST - Gothic Sandy ReMix
Action, Drama, Character Profile