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[12.12.2014] Jack.Mehoff.AMV » Salvation [Pikamvs]
Haha hahaha, I'm tritio and I'm a doctor. Youre from China, are you a doctor too?!? Lelelelelelel
[12.12.2014] axonjunior » Salvation [Pikamvs]
You could draw something better with this song :wink:
[12.12.2014] axonjunior » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
Pointless sliced fragments :sad:
[12.12.2014] JustRukia » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
Интересный такой трек в плане реализации динамики можно было годно разогнать, переходы это хорошо, но совсем не хватает более живой динамики. Ну и да огрызком не размотать на нужный драйв.
[11.12.2014] InsanitySupporter » Salvation [Pikamvs]
Add trailer and character profile to genres.
As andrewbee said, something is amiss, this has a lot of potential to be one of the best trailer-like videos in this year's akross, it still lacks something to be considered mindblowing, but is watchable.
I liked this, keep working.
[11.12.2014] InsanitySupporter » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
I think you have god techinque, but your video felt kinda average.
I mean, you have sync and good transitions, but it lacks concept and good flow, this seems like those "congratz for 200+ subs mofuckas!!" videos that you can find in YT.
On the other hand, making this kind of improvement in such short time is something to be praised of.
I'll be waiting for you next year, you seem promising.
[11.12.2014] savitar18 » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
f*cking masterpiece! 很好,不过故事不充分地公开.
[11.12.2014] xoromi » Salvation of Kiritsugu [TsukiBito牛牛]
Это шедевр! 10/10
[11.12.2014] Death_Kn1ght » Salvation [Pikamvs]
Если мне объяснят , чем этот клип отличается от миллиарда подобных на Еву, я поставлю хорошую оценку. А пока это технически и м/в-шно средне , остальное плохо.
[11.12.2014] Death_Kn1ght » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
Переходовая каша, глазу не за что зацепиться , музыка для мебели.
Столько работы (в плане масок) убито в такой унылый клип, жаль. :sad:
[11.12.2014] Death_Kn1ght » Steel is my body [ZackStrifeAMV]
Какая-то одноразовая нарезочка без какого-либо изюма.
[11.12.2014] andrewbee » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
Great teaser for what is to come next year! :lol:
As a technical showpiece, its good. Really glad to see you have mastered your masking techniques coupled with transitional style editing.

My problem with transitional-style editing in most AMVs for me is, not just about marrying the camera movement or looking for portals to mask through or matching character gestures of the clips.
They have to relate beyond just THAT! (getting you to the next clip) as these are ONLY techniques and therefore a MEANS to an END! It has to be cleverly placed and be both functional as well as aid your story/concept otherwise you end up sending the audience through a roller coaster of random clips.

This style of editing has also forced me as an editor to ban certain use of clips simply because they have been raped by others and has lost its function.

Hope to see you next year! Expect good things :)
[11.12.2014] Лисёнок-тян » Salvation [Pikamvs]
Мельканий много,но в целом не плохо) 8.5/10
[11.12.2014] Лисёнок-тян » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
Очень интересно,жаль что мало
[11.12.2014] andrewbee » Salvation [Pikamvs]
As a character profile, trailer/preview: its lies between OK and good. Something is amiss. Cant really put my finger on it. Its like I got shown a collage of scenes and have to really make sense of it especially how it ties into the title. Love the Poster Art though.
1. Action841
2. Drama279
3. Action, Drama149
4. Romance145
5. Comedy66
6. Fun66
7. Drama, Action64
8. Story59
9. Dance58
10. Psychedelic58
11. Drama, Romance55
12. Action, Character Profile49
13. Action, Story47
14. Drama, Story45
15. Character Profile44
16. Story, Drama41
17. Trailer39
18. Horror38
19. Romance, Drama34
20. Other31
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