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[27.01.2015] Death_Kn1ght » Cosmological Embrace [JSK]
Смотреть стоит только ради редких разгонов трека , остальное - просто налито воды, чтобы было. Если взять в целом - редкие моменты эпика и очень много шляпы, неплохо, не более.
[27.01.2015] Death_Kn1ght » Lepidoptera [AngelDragoon]
Атмосфера радует, единственный минус - затянуто секунд на 30. Хорошо вышло :з
[27.01.2015] Death_Kn1ght » Anteroom of Death [SaberAMVz]
Вообще не понял чего все фапают. Работа сугубо на любителя, в частности для сорсо-почитателей. Лично мне вообще не прокатило, субъективно мимо.
[27.01.2015] Death_Kn1ght » Eruption [Domius]
Хорошо пошло. Но первая минута слегка провисает, а в целом добротно. :smile:
[27.01.2015] AnimeFanaticBoy » Serein [slimed]
Strange, and I say it due the combo made. I dig it though.

The combination was logical, and it worked. Surprised to be honest, I expected something less technical from you, but it was pleasant
[27.01.2015] EnIgMoZz2 » Warriors [Hinako]
i have a hungarian friend whose dad plays drums in a shit hungarian metal band. 8/10
[27.01.2015] Anicsi » The Moment We Come Alive [AntaresHeart07]
I enjoyed it, you had some pretty good flow going, especially with the transition masks! Concept/Buildup wise i think you could've focused a bit more on the 'humanity' or psychological aspect instead of mostly the fighting scenes, because emotionally, I wasn't touched at all (well, hardly :p) and in a video about the aspects of war, i think this is of importance. As I said, I really loved the masks you used, but there were also a couple of effects that didn't appeal to me and instead looked sloppy on an action video, such as the black and white frames (they're too much like a 'border', try to make them rounder and less visible, so that the effect of it only remains unconsciously), some overlays and old TV effects and such. Even so, generally a nice video, good job and good luck ^^
[27.01.2015] AnimeFanaticBoy » They Want My Soul [Enlux]
Lo he sentido normal, ni espectacular pero tampoco feo, normal y bueno
[27.01.2015] iKuro » School Sect [KSANDR]
haha i love it <3
[27.01.2015] j7n13q » No Sympathy [Enigmo]
it is fun :biggrin:
[27.01.2015] j7n13q » Warriors [Hinako]
учитывая что из данного исходника сделать что-то реально стоящее крайне проблематично... автор просто совершил чудо :smile:
[26.01.2015] nivekov123 » School Sect [KSANDR]
8/10. There's no deb8 for the m8, its NVR 2 l8
[26.01.2015] Laurelindolien » Один миг ожидания [Kvant]
Kvant, мне показалось слишком акынысто про книги и шифр. Хотя после пересмотра клипа в более (или менее :dunno: ) адекватном состоянии заберу клип в коллекцию.
[26.01.2015] MycathatesyouAMV » School Sect [KSANDR]
I haven't seen this anime, but you seemed to highlight its insane nature well. Some awesome lip sync in here also. 8/10 And Im gonna have to give this anime a watch now.
[26.01.2015] FunnyMan » School Sect [KSANDR]
:laugh: вот это я понимаю безумное веселье))
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil449
2.Fynjy - Hell's Gate410
3.Multi-Editor Project - Vortex: Recycled313
4.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON294
5.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me281
6.Umika - Traumerei265
7.Nostromo - Running Man256
8.Aggressor - Act of Genesis247
9.S studio - D-ON!241
10.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival235
11.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God231
12.Crossfade - The Stage230
13.Aggressor - De:Light230
14.SilentMan - Drawn Dream218
15.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast209
16.Gidra - fu logic!207
17.impr3ssiv - noize203
18.EvilSpider - Revenge199
19.Aggressor - Code: Ecchi196
20.goЯz - Fracture195
21.VIDOK - Sexy191
22.Umika - Sincerity182
23.zzerg - Год АМВ182
24.Q&A - ChillOut177
25.zzerg - МаLLинки174
DJ Spoke - Watch Them Fall Down
 ЛУЧШИЙ КЛИП AKROSS CON 2004 01.12.2004  
Witch Hunter Robin
Theatre of Tradegy - Liquid Man
Drama, Action
Trinity Blood
My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You
Action, Drama