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[30.01.2015] kisaST » My Mom Like Ice Cream [cecco]
" if you want to get laid , go to college. If you want an education , go to the library "
Frank Zappa .
It reminds me of the good old days . Well done cecco :laugh:
[30.01.2015] ICEberg » Streetball [Hellprey]
экшен есть
развития сюжета нет
синхры нет
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » Insane World [Fobos]
It's always nice seeing an awesome TG edit :D Good luck Fobos!!! I really like this :) <3
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » Touching Hearts [FadingSundown]
I always love your edits so much Lis T__T such a pretty video!! Good luck my dear! <3333
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » Only your hand [Erdaicao]
The subtle effects you did here are quite pretty! The slower part of the video was much better than the action part imo. The action part was a bit slow in some sections. :( Nice emotions tho! 7/10 good luck ~
[30.01.2015] ICEberg » pray and cheer up [HARU]
До самолетиков все было логично и даже атмосферно - война никогда не меняется
откуда самолетики?
зачем самолетики?
что они кастовали в конце?
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » They Want My Soul [Enlux]
Aww all the Studio Ghibli :33 I'm sad it's so short D: really pretty video, 6/10 good luck~
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » Lepidoptera [AngelDragoon]
First of all, excellent song choice. The atmosphere here is killer too! Very haunting. 7/10 from me, good luck!! :)
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » Journey [AMV Strat]
I just absolutely adore this. Never seen the anime but the way you portrayed it is so beautiful and emotional. 9/10 from me, THIS is how voice overs should be done! Good luck :)
[30.01.2015] xGeminii » You're Falling Away [UnlastingDreams]
Still loving this ;__; good luck Kikki!!!! <3 <3
[30.01.2015] Akoraun » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Спасибо за комментарии. Ниже писал, что это первая версия клипа и давно исправлена в соответствии с критикой.
[30.01.2015] MycathatesyouAMV » My Mom Like Ice Cream [cecco]
My dick con winner 2014
[30.01.2015] ONEWAYS » Not a story [Gidra]
I'm so addictive to the song :lol:
[30.01.2015] ICEberg » Not a story [Gidra]
экшен есть
динамика есть
а драма где?

технично, но мимо
[30.01.2015] ICEberg » SNAKE EYES [GG AMV]
мясо обыкновенное
отсутствие сюжета
1.Sayan Visual Studio - Spoil100%
2.Tayo - Part of You, Shadow of Me98.8
3.EvilSpider - Revenge98.6
4.goЯz - Fracture98.2
5.Scorpions Ultd - Whisper of the Beast98.2
6.Fynjy - Hell's Gate97.5
7.Nostromo - Running Man96.3
8.Umika - Traumerei96.1
9.Centurione - Pandora95.9
10.ScorpionsUltd - All that you can't leave behind94.7
11.ukms[z] - Reflections94.7
12.Tana-sama - Butterflies of God94.2
13.SilentMan - Drawn Dream93.7
14.Umika - Sincerity92.8
15.Perfect-Blue - Quatro nAVI System CODE VECTOR /rev. 2.0/92.8
16.Crossfade - The Stage92.2
17.Odissey - Across Memories to AKROSS CON91.9
18.De29v101L - Midnight Carnival91.5
20.EvilSpider - Lifetime90.8
21.Q&A - ChillOut90.6
22.Gidra - fu logic!90.2
23.Artofeel - The Conspiracy of Law90.1
24.Pokich - Trauer89.8
25.SilentMan - Gloomy Detective89.4
[ весь рейтинг ]
Alex Daikou
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2006 16.12.2006  
Foggy - Come Into My Dream
Dance, Fun
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2004 23.11.2004  
Wolf's Rain
Rammstein - Ohne dich
Drama, Story
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2009 16.12.2009  
Cheese People - Uaaa...a!