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[02.02.2015] Эль-тян » Bliss [Sennin06]
 Sennin06 @ 31 January 2015, 13:26 
hmm.. sorry, I tried translating your comment but I might be reading it wrong. what do you mean pass partly? I'm not sure how I scored with judges, but this was a late submission after deadline.

Это значит что твой клип мне понравился, но частично.
Меня радует, что ты при создании клипов ставишь на первое место именно атмосферу и музыку, а не эффекты и полуголых баб.
Но даже эта работа с хорошей атмосферой и музыкой не понравилась мне так, как хотелось бы
[02.02.2015] Sennin06 » Sharing Lungs [Animated]
pretty good bud, I like that opening. some of the scene selection could have been better, but still I thought it was great. good luck.
[02.02.2015] ЮККА » Blood and Blade [JustRukia]
Хороший экшн, концовка особенно понравилась )
[02.02.2015] Эль-тян » Sharing Lungs [Animated]
Клип от нарутоманьяка 2008 года выглядит куда гармоничнее, а может быть даже и техничнее, чем эта работа.
Причём имея меньшую продолжительность он намного лучше передаёт атмосферу и лирику трека, нежели эта работа.
Советую грамотным авторам прежде чем брать за основу тот или иной трек сначала поискать есть ли уже хорошие клипы на данную композицию, не говоря уже об исходном аниме.
Клип не плох, но вторичен и неактуален
[02.02.2015] OkilL » Skyfall [Okill]
Happy to see that most of you enjoyed this, i’ll keep every comment to keep improving, thanks to all ! :smile:

To Death_Kn1ght

Not sure if i fully understood your comment with google translator. :sad:
Revenge and my AMV are, in my opinion, two similar yet different CB AMV. First, the story of Revenge is by far far far most developed than mine (mine is the most basic story you can do with this)… and i also used different characters by the way. With this song i just tried with a basic story, to develope the strongest atmosphere i could and it was my main goal from the beginning to the end. So i disagree with this and i’m sure Evilspider see that too Death_Knight.

For the second point, if by All That You Can not Leave Behind you are talking about cards, i see the point here, yeah it’s the same card from cowboy bebop but my inspiration comes more from the Casino Royale film opening. At one point, I had to assume that James Bond side/atmosphere i wanted to put in my amv (I could do this at half or 100% so i took risks), too bad you didn’t enjoyed this, maybe the next one xD. Feel free to PM me if you still disagree, i’m like the most peaceful guy ever xD
[02.02.2015] xDreww » Sharing Lungs [Animated]
This is a good video..a bit long, and too many crossfades.
7.5. good luck mr last years winner of comedy. :)
[02.02.2015] Artofeel » Blood and Blade [JustRukia]
отличный экшн
жаль трек примитивен
но сочетание М/В хорошее
липс гуд, никаких хлопортов не заметил
[02.02.2015] xDreww » Waiting for you [xDeuz]
Good job jimmy D, you know what I think about it. Great start for you on Aeon. :)
8/10 from me, great job and good luck mi amigo! ^^
[02.02.2015] botdru » Blood and Blade [JustRukia]
[02.02.2015] xDreww » KNOW YOUR ENEMY [hiroki_999]
Technical is great, think I gave it a 10 on that. Otherwise the anime didnt match the song much, but it was still a great video to watch. Your hard work paid off also.
8.2 Good luck! :)
[02.02.2015] iKuro » Blood and Blade [JustRukia]
nice action video, nothing more to say here. Good job =)
[02.02.2015] ЮККА » Waiting for you [xDeuz]
Очень понравилось. Трогательно, жизненно, заставляет сопереживать героям а значит все правильно сделано
[02.02.2015] Chimera » Skyfall [Okill]
>girl get shot
>two random guys fighting
>roll credits
[02.02.2015] ЮККА » Arm of Justice [Dilemma]
белые босоножки на красные колготки, фу... )))) а по поводу работы: что то интересное в ней есть, но не особо зацепило, скучновато как то
[02.02.2015] Chimera » Sharing Lungs [Animated]
add genre - emo core.
1.EvilSpider - Revenge98.6
2.EvilSpider - Silence (director's cut)84.2
3.Shepherd - Outside of Consciousnesses81.1
4.79D37'fallout' - Unsynchronous Delirium79.9
5.Tayo - Part of You79.7
6.NightPunisher - Cruel Destiny79.6
7.Wrecker - The Most Precious79.1
8.Alexboy - Soul Shadow78.1
9.Pokich - Won't Save77.8
10.Pokich - Svarta Skogen76.7
11.ukms[z] - Холод76.4
12.Leech - The Movie75.9
13.dD.S1nT3z - Reload74.8
14.Darius GQ - Charmed74.4
15.Fynjy - Waking Up Besides You, Ms. Doomsday74.3
16.Shepherd - The Battle: Before and After73.8
17.MetL storm - Samurai soul73.8
18.Alexboy - Hope73.5
19.Delcatty - Черный баннер73.3
20.TVB - The Fall73.2
21.Delcatty - Поздно!73.1
22.Gaurry - Alone73.0
23.moviegear - Fight for Life72.7
24.Delcatty - Будни советских разведчиков72.7
25.Herz - Caught in the Undertow72.7
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