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[08.02.2015] Cenit » Nefarium Psychologica [Shin]
This was nice. Like really, really nice to watch, very smoothly edited. Could become the best AMV i've seen from you (Ivy Bridge still no.1).

Concerning that other recent AMV "Сruel World" using Honeythief: It's stupid, a good stupid though. It feels like a parody on all hentai whereas this one is just so fucking smooth to watch. So yeah, some people might prefer awkward forced storytelling but i prefer this. Suppose there can be more "good" AMVs to one song. Calculator says 8.5
[08.02.2015] TheCacoVenom » First Blood [MrGafudo]
buen trabajo bro, seguro queda en un buen lugar
[08.02.2015] AMVs Gimenez » The Winner [Tiny Poet]
:eat: Ohh Sugoi !!! :wow:
[08.02.2015] nivekov123 » Nefarium Psychologica [Shin]
I like how you just countered yourself in your own arguement. Rekt
[08.02.2015] Akoraun » Ef Fer Ves Cent [Akoraun]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FX2DFl-u1c
[08.02.2015] Darkmessa » The Winner [Tiny Poet]
Аля Всех убью! один останусь! :lol:
на 8+ тянет :)
[08.02.2015] Darkmessa » Nefarium Psychologica [Shin]
на эту музыку есть отличная работа http://amvnews.ru/index.php?go=Files&in=view&id=5883
[08.02.2015] Artofeel » Nefarium Psychologica [Shin]
 MycathatesyouAMV @ 08 February 2015, 00:13 
Why you take already used effect ? I can't understand

to create something different and unique probably?
anyway, we creating Anime MUSIC Videos, not Anime Effects Videos
stupid comparison
[08.02.2015] saya520 » The Winner [Tiny Poet]
虽然暗猫屁股大 但是我赞同她的观点 :applause:
[08.02.2015] Dilemma » Arm of Justice [Dilemma]
 AnimeFanaticBoy @ 08 February 2015, 06:39 

I did not put any deep ideas into this work. Never planned to.
What I wanted to convey were my feelings inspired by the musical track. The source video seemed suitable for that purpose. Obscure images in my head, solidified and sharpened. And thus the story you see was born :)
[08.02.2015] Inazuchi » GEHIRNSTURMEN [lolligerjoj]
I commend your "bravery" for having purposefully done anything so out of frame-minded AMV context. To the average eye, this would certainly appear to be some sort of incoherent, awkward, nearly disgusting composition. After your success with Into The Labyrinth, and even following some criticism on your Tan(x) video, one would believe that to maintain your reputation you would return to more conventional AMV roots, resorting to less of an experimental vibe and instead making something more likely to be viewed as acceptable. However I believe that because you have demonstrated a genuine understanding for the workings of AMVs, it is not that you have composed this out of mere laziness, but instead that you willingly declare your individuality through this video. It takes a certain audience to appreciate this, but I believe you have accomplished your role as a, and excuse the pretentious rhetoric, "artist", by reinforcing anyone who watches this to feel seriously disturbed. I am surely one of them. Taking that into consideration, your intent was surely not to leave your audience contemplating how "good" the video was in particular, but rather you were deliberately creating such a claustrophobic atmosphere within a video that one can only call it "brave". Horrid, sickening, trembling with the debris of distorted effects--it is all done with intention. You have undoubtedly made your audience feel something, whether they choose to appreciate that or not. In terms of competition, I cannot declare whether this will win a place, it is dependent on the perspective and maturity of the contest's judges. And personally, I shall refrain from giving it a score because I believe that would be narrowing it down to the same scripted manner of viewing AMVs that you have taken a stand to within this video. Therefore I leave you with an ounce of respect, despite your rude and sometimes hostile declarations of me in the year past, and I congratulate you for regulating the noise of your peers and creating a somehow thrilled work of psychedelia. Continue doing whatever it is that you wish to keep doing, and remember that if it is a masterpiece in your mind, it shall always remain so. Good or bad, you are making viewers feel something towards your works. Perhaps that would be the best compliment of all.
[08.02.2015] lolligerjoj » GEHIRNSTURMEN [lolligerjoj]
The huge filesize is mostly because of the RGB noise used throughout the video. Had I encoded this one at the same quality as tan(x), it would've been around 900 MB.
[08.02.2015] diegao94 » Dandelion [ONEWAYS]
Better than I expected. Good luck!
[08.02.2015] DarkFlameCat » The Winner [Tiny Poet]
一直最喜欢诗人的创意啦 希望能拿到最最好的成绩! :smile:
[08.02.2015] Westgard » Fracture [goЯz]
Заслуженно лучший клип = )
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 AKROSS CON 2008 07.12.2008  
Darude - Touch Me, Feel Me (P-B edit)
 ПРИЗЁР AKROSS CON 2013 31.01.2014  
Metal Gear Series (artwork)
Puscifer - Horizons
Story, Serious