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[18.11.2016] maple leaf » Numinous [MrNosec]
So far, this is the best entry of this year :smile:
Good luck for the contest.
[18.11.2016] Kvant » Numinous [MrNosec]
Очередной (почти)психоделический засинхрон под Еву. Ну неплохо, но ни как не более того. Вступление (до 01.10) явно интереснее основной части клипа которая, в общем-то, совсем уже ни о чём/ близка к рандому.

 NIGHT @ 18 November 2016, 00:31 
Альтернативная версия в 632 мегабайта... поражает своей практической ненужностью :biggrin:

+ 1
[18.11.2016] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
 frosta @ 17 November 2016, 16:55 

Thank you! Glad you're fond of it

 InsanitySupporter @ 17 November 2016, 17:27 

Thanks alot for the kind words, and even tho I am completely blind as to what might be missing in the action parts because I made them so I can't properly evaluate them as a viewer, I can perfectly understand what you mean by that.

 lolligerjoj @ 17 November 2016, 18:28 

Thank you very much for stopping by, and for taking the time to type such a detailed comment about my video! First off I want to say I really appreciate all your compliments, and I'm honestly glad you enjoyed it to some extent aswell.

I also fully understand why this video might seem out of place in the psychedelic category, as it's vast majority is focused on action, but parts like 1:05 - 1:13; 1:55 - 2:09 and 2:38 - 2:50, even tho they're not entirely "psychedelic" by the very definition of the word, I feel like they don't belong in a straight up action video, and that's what lead me to pick that category aswell.

On that 0:13 scene I actually wanted to start the fade in of the scene with shinji when the sound re-appeared and keep the buildings slowly descending like the opacity itself, but repeating the same animation with the same sound as it faded out would actually make more sense.
I also just cannot hear the crackling artifacts in the song at 2:01 no matter what, you most likely have a higher sensibility when it comes to noticing stuff like this, or my headphones are absolute crap, but hey it just might be both.

TL;DR: Thank you for commenting, appreciate it.

 MatthewRoy @ 17 November 2016, 19:16 

Thanks alot!

 Kurosaki D @ 17 November 2016, 19:57 


 Tackgillain @ 17 November 2016, 20:35 

Thanks for going out of your way to type in english at the end, I don't understand russian at all and google translate doesn't help all that much.
I'm sorry but I had no idea that video even existed! I actually found this song on a GMV a friend sent me, pretty cool video tho, I used this song because it had a very mechanic yet biotic resonating feel to it. Also thank you for the rating and kind words!

 HeroChaosGC @ 17 November 2016, 21:13 

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks man

Also sorry for not replying to russian comments, I'm not discriminating you or anything like that, but I barely understand what you were saying after I translate it, I know this is a russian website, but I would appreciate it if you could comment in english if the comment was meant for me, thanks.
[18.11.2016] HeroChaosGC » Numinous [MrNosec]
Good sync and technic,brother. The video isn't totally original,but,you had my totally attention with successfully,good job. :smile:
[17.11.2016] NIGHT » Numinous [MrNosec]
Tackgillain - вторым будешь, после Death_Kn1ght-а.

То "эффекты и монтажные приёмы скопированы",
то "сцены вот такие же уже были"!

А ещё там музыка которую некоторые уже слышали и аниме которое многие уже видели.
[17.11.2016] Tackgillain » Numinous [MrNosec]
Поставил 9, так как годно. Но! Начная с трека Guardians вот тут http://amvnews.ru/index.php?go=Files&in=view&id=3997 на 1:08 и этот клип на 1:11 прям копия в копию как тайминга музыки так и кадров, позабавило (лишь те пару секунд). Да и ряд персонажей тютелька в тютелько (хотя ясное дело о ком же еще делат ьамв если они все ГГ).. И лишь существование НЕБ-а, который мне зашел вах вах как, перекрестило 10-ку которую мог бы и поставить.
Special part on eng.
Good work, 9/10 but very simmilar to the [Neb]E² made by NEB, that confusing me.
[17.11.2016] NIGHT » Numinous [MrNosec]
Клип хороший, но "на любителя" (дабстепа и ярких цветов).
Психоделики тут никакой нет, это чистый экшн.
Альтернативная версия в 632 мегабайта... поражает своей практической ненужностью :biggrin:
[17.11.2016] Kurosaki D » Numinous [MrNosec]
awesome! <3 i like it, good action c:
[17.11.2016] MatthewRoy » Numinous [MrNosec]
a really good video and a fresh take on this kind of stuff
[17.11.2016] lolligerjoj » Numinous [MrNosec]
This is a really cool action vid. You certainly are very good at subtly stacking effects to create a coherent visual output that supports sync very well.
I also like this music much better than what you chose for your last video, even though it suffers from lacking a real sense of progression. You tried to compensate for it in the end though, which definitely was worth it.
This video has some parts that struck me to be particularly awesome, like the first scene (just a very nice expositional shot that immediately gets you into how syncing will be done from here on out), the smoke transition at 0:27, and the Dimension Bomb scene at 1:12 (outstanding efficiency of the effects here, definitely makes it more memorable than when I used this scene).

However, as a psychedelic video it doesn't work nearly as well. The only real part supporting some psychedelic atmosphere is at 2:00, and here the music really doesn't support the fact that well. Still a very cool action vid though.

Some other minor technical flaws, just in case you're interested (also highly subjective):
- in some cases the sync in the first part is off by a bit
- some fades showed that the previous scene does not keep syncing to the music throughout the next bar, most notable at 0:13.
- the music shows some weird crackling artifacts at 2:01. Personally I hate things like that

PS: Nearly forgot: outstanding interpolation!

Ah, and Edit: I kinda wanna adress it for everyone, cause it is always such a big deal: Yeah, I recognize that a lot of this was made closely looking at what I have done in my videos. However, I do notice that he incorporated a lot of his own ideas now, which definitely shaped this video to an extend that I deservedly praised in what I wrote here.
[17.11.2016] Death_Kn1ght » Numinous [MrNosec]
 MesoGear @ 17 November 2016, 18:45 

» Death_Kn1ght:
Странно, работы автора очень похожи на работы lolligerjoj'a , и технически и стилистически... Совпадение ? о_О

дык, ну так он известный лолигероже фаг и подражатель творчества своего гуру

Видать не такой известный , по кр мере для меня.
Вообще смысла не вижу начисто копировать чужое и выставлять это на конкурсы , ИМХО
[17.11.2016] InsanitySupporter » Numinous [MrNosec]
The combo works really well, you conveyed scenes nicely with the music building the perfect atmosphere for this project, colors are cool too!
Overall it has nice technique but i feel something's missing in the "action" part, like there's sync but needs more intensity and flow.
I like this, good job (:
[17.11.2016] frosta » Numinous [MrNosec]
Masterpiece 10/10
[17.11.2016] MrNosec » Numinous [MrNosec]
Well I'm glad you enjoyed it somewhat, thank you for your opinion!

You're too kind, ty very much.

I can understand the similarities, but I can't help but take your
criticism as a compliment.

Gta iv86
Thanks man, really appreciate it!

Thank you for stopping by! I'm very grateful for your opinion, both upsides and downsides are completely understandable, glad you liked it.

I don't see how this resembles ITL but hey thanks for your comment nonetheless, and the absurd file size for the alt version is due to the 60fps and the 25Mbps bitrate, I encoded several beta versions before at a lower bitrate and the depth of field and motion blur looked particularly pixelated because of the fast paced nature of the video.
[17.11.2016] ЮККА » Numinous [MrNosec]
Есть конечно моменты которые вторичны, но в целом мне понравилось, технично так, в стиле трэша. Наверное даже возьму себе.
S studio
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