В начале как то понятно о чем клип) но потом к середине как будто просто нарезка кадров-_-, не поняла сути вообще, музыка хорошо передает всю глубину драмы. За старания автора 6/10. Старайтесь развивайтесь дальше автор и удачи
I think I miss what people find so great about this. The video and song go each other's way, having madoka in source doesn't make video automatically psychodelic. Drama? Can't see it, there is no story or theme to show it.
It’s a very good and worthy video. In spite of all kick the author for choosing the song pretty much according to the objective reasons, it suits the original completely. To my point of view, that’s because of its atmosphere. I like it here much more than in the mentioned above by others the work NIghtSlayer. The main attention in "Сruel World" is mostly paid to the plot and its correct telling and it puts the video at the high level. Here the main problem deals with another one (including clear synchronization), a tighter universe, which is successfully shown in the emotional aspect by the author. The only thing I didn’t like too much is the musical support of the second couplet, especially parts 1:10-1:20 and 1:35-1:54, but all the other is great and corresponds to my taste. Thank you for the work, Shin. 10\10
The video and song go each other's way, having madoka in source doesn't make video automatically psychodelic. Drama? Can't see it, there is no story or theme to show it.