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[key]Scarlet  (Rising Production)  [ PrincessKairy ]
This is the first IC I've decided to participate in. I don't usually participate in Iron Chef Contests because I edit slowly and I have little time to make my AMV. I've managed to edit my video in two days, I've ruined the third day by studying; I know that it's not the best, but at least it isn't horrible. I was expecting worse XD

Rising Concerto
Diegao94: Erien
Kyros: Unrequieted Love
[key]Scarlet: Demon's Soul
Video    Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete
Audio    Sixx A.M. - This Is Gonna Hurt
Genre    Action, Character Profile
2.13 | YouTube
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Total comments: 2[1]
Armed  [ 11 Febuary 2016, 18:21 ]
I don't understand where the second and the third screenshots are from.
Неожиданное м/в, хотя некоторые сценки у меня никогда бы с этой музыкой не ассоциировались, но работа с ЦК это исправило, ритм хорошо обыгран. 8/10
kemaxto  [ 16 December 2012, 10:29 ]
У автора хорошее чувство ритма.